Dust in The Thin Air

Okay. It has been a long long time since last time I posted to this blog. And please, don't ask every detail happened in the time between. In short I would love to tell you that my life has chance. Now I am in a total strange place, with total new faces. Maybe you think it's kinda exciting, but I tell you, it's not. I'm lost in here. I have no friends, no family. Totally noone. Just me and myself. Try to struggle day by day to survive. To accept the fate that Alloh has destined to me, though it's hard. There are time in my life when I just feel like I am nothing. Like nobody here even think that I am exist. Do you ever feel like you are just kinda dust in the thin air? Well that exactly what I feel right now.


I somehow miss those warm friendly place where I came from. Where everybody spare their time just to ask about how was your day the day before. Where everybody mind their own bussiness instead of spread your lack of kind around. I miss them. I miss my family, my bestfriend, my old life. Where people think I ain't a dust in the thin air.

First Step

Sepagian ini saya menghabiskan waktu dengan blogwalking.. Langsung merasa iri beraaattt dengan blog-blog orang-orang yang isinya keren-keren gilak dengan postingan mereka yang sudah menggunung. Miris ngeliat blog sendiri ini *sigh*. But anywaaayyyy.. somehow blogwalking can stop me from window shopping in Facebook online shops. Since I have no more money, I decide to do it more often just to distract my shopping habit that have grown out of control lately *hahaha*.

Back to where I was, a year ago, I suppose to be really grateful for who I am right now. A year ago I was still a pre-grad university student who was trying to finish her bloody bachelor thesis. Still confused about how her future will be, and how she could find a job that can make her parents proud. And see me now, I already have a job now, though there are still so many mist towards me, at least I have made my first step to make my dreams come true.. Wish me luck :)

Numero Uno

This is my very first blog posting!! Hahahaha I kinda exciting about this whole blog things because this is actually my first blog. It has been a really.. really long time since I want to have my own blog, but there were too many distraction in past that kept me from making it. Buy anywaaaayyy.. here we are!  I hope you enjoy blogwalking on my blog.. Thanks! :)